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Digital Project Poetry Magazine - Dichtkunst Magazine


With the intention of allowing the exchange, dissemination and sharing of literary works (mainly poetry) of those emerging artists - and not emerging - who wish to publicize their work, born international digital poetry magazine Dichtkunst Magazine.


Pármulo collaborates with the Dichtkunst magazine through the "Etéreo Desenlace" section. The publications are periodics, one each day 9 of the month.

Revista Dichtkunst Magazine

Grupo de Poetas DM

Language: Internacional

Contribución pp. 53 - 62

Revista Dichtkunst Magazine

Grupo de Poetas DM

Language: Internacional

Contribución pp. 61 - 64

new publications on EP·LMP / OTROS-

Ancla 1

Title: "O Céu de Coimbra", poemas, 2014

Author: Pármulo

Language: ES

16 pages · No disponible

Title: "En cualquier lugar del mundo", poemas, 2016

Author: Pármulo

Language: ES

70 pages · Disponible

ISBN: 978-84-945682-1-3

Title: "Miradas sin fronteras", poemas, 2016

Author: Obra colectiva

Language: ES

59 pages · Disponible


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